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全球六百專家雲集香港 共商應對氣候變化
600 scientists and policymakers converge on Hong Kong to tackle climate change
at C40 climate leadership workshop
Hong Kong, November 3, 2010 – Some 600 climate scientists, policy and business stakeholders from around the world are gathering in Hong Kong to take part in a four-day conference entitled “Climate Dialogue: an international conference on climate change” – the conference will explore the challenges and opportunities of creating modern, low carbon cities able to offer a high quality of life.
The theme of the first day meeting was “Science and Policy Day”. The C40 Hong Kong Workshop was co-organized by Civic Exchange – a local public policy think tank. In the opening address, Dr Christine Loh, CEO of Civic Exchange said she is confident that the wealth of knowledge from so many international climate experts will generate new ideas to tackle climate change.
Douglas So, Executive Director of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, one of the sponsors of the conference, was equally optimistic. “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has earmarked HK$350 million to set up a fund to form strategies to help Hong Kong mitigate climate change.” He added that the club is studying the idea of remodeling existing solar-powered golf carts to allow them to become wind-powered vehicles as well. He also hopes that another project to remodel at least one ferry to become wind-powered can be realized by the end of the year to raise public awareness on the urgency of climate change.
Secretary for the Environment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Mr Edward Yau Tang-wah, said climate change poses a daunting task for policymakers and scientists around the world. “Besides having to formulate policies to achieve climate targets and balance multiple interests of stakeholders, governments and scientists also have to make sure that climate solutions and relevant policies are clearly communicated and understood by the public through proper dialogue,” he added. He also believes that better understanding of the issue will give people more confidence in climate science solutions.
Mr Sun Zhen, Deputy Counsel at the Department of Climate Change NDRC, said the key factors to combating climate change are technology innovation and policy change, while the development of low-carbon technology and its acceptance would very much depend on market signals.
Ms Liang Dan, Director, Investment and Technology Promotion, UNIDO, said low-carbon and sustainable living is the key trend for future city development. And building low-carbon eco-cities is a long-term infrastructural process that needs support and development at all levels in society. “Exploring the low- carbon city development path is promising, but it needs both technology and policy change,” she added.
羅馬俱樂部前秘書長、中國政府應對氣候變化和可持續發展前高級顧問馬汀.李(Martin Lees)則稱,中國人均排放雖然很低,只等於美國的1/4,但是中國總數排放是最高的。隨著中國GDP每8、9年升一倍,整體的排放都是日益上升,因而中國面臨的挑戰很大,中國領導也有決心啟動計劃,將經濟轉為一個更持續、更均衡的發展模式。
Putting climate change in the global context, Mr Martin Lees, former Secretary General, Club Rome and former Senior Adviser to the Chinese Government on climate change and sustainable development said although China’s carbon emission per capita is low – a quarter of that of the United States – it’s total emission is the highest in the world. He said the trend is rising rapidly due to China’s strong GDP, which is expected to double every eight to nine years. Putting climate change in the global context, Mr Martin Lees, former Secretary General, Club Rome and former Senior Adviser to the Chinese Government on climate change and sustainable development said although China’s carbon emission per capita is low – a quarter of that of the United States – it’s total emission is the highest in the world. He said the trend is rising rapidly due to China’s strong GDP, which is expected to double every eight to nine years.
Today’s meetings also discussed a number of issues including Planetary Boundaries, Zeroing in and Acidifying Oceans. Possible solutions were brought up for discussion.
C40 Hong Kong Workshop on November 3 and 4 is organized by Civic Exchange, the Environmental Campaign Committee of the Hong Kong Government and C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. The theme of November 4 meeting is Policy and Action Day. The Hong Kong Government sponsors the C40 Workshop on November 5 and 6: C40 Mayors from around the world speak to city action on climate change, especially in the arenas of transport and built environment.
大會網址Conference website:http://climate.dialogue.org.hk
下載會議照片daily photos download:http://tinyurl.com/CD101103PR